viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

AI (Artificial intelligence)

Comment: This article shows how the use of technology has helped health care in the world, in this case a specially created software read and protects the personal information of the patients. It is used to prevent any type of leak of important information.


Comment: This article shows how the creation of robots has made things better for everybody, from soldiers in the battle field to special children in special schoohls. The article talks about Anthotronix and what it has developed in the past years, and how this helps the world.


Comment: This article shows how the rise in technology and the use of cryptography has show a rise in others people interest for hidden information. And therefore have learnt new ways of decoding eencrypted info.


Comment: This article shows how hacking has been made a weapon in modern wars. This is because as the article says the US government would use hacking, an illegal activity, as a weapon against terrorism and other threats.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


Comment: This article shows how the worldwide known toy brand, Mattel, has opened an E-commerce portal to people to be able to buy toys through internet. And by doing this it is catching on to the demands of the consumers.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009


Comment: This article shows how the use of networking can be a bad thing too. This is caused by hackers and thieves, peolpe who use technology in a bad way or to make harm to others.

Teleworking - Biometrics - Ergonomics


Comment: This article shows how teleworking has become a rising thing in everyday jobs, because people prefer to work at home because of the low stress level.


Comment: This article show the uso of biometrics in a important event, in this case as a high security measure to prevent any type of inconviniences in a event that involves important people from all over the world.


Comment: The article shows the rise in the importance of ergonomics in everyday computer users,and therefore preventing serious muscular problems in computer working people.


Comment: This article shows how the use of software in classrooms may improve the class atmosphere and working, and create more intelligent students.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Search Engines

Search engines are websites used to help find certain things in the whole of the web.

Comment: This article shows a enterprise that specialises in making webpages rank higher in websearches.